StudentInnen in der Stadt
ICD calendar of programs and events for 2015 |
am 06.01.15
Zagreb Summit on Cross-Continental Cooperation in South-Eastern Europe “Cultural Diplomacy in South Eastern Europe: The Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions” (International Conference, Zagreb; March 1st-3rd, 2015) The summit will gather a broad range of stakeholders to discuss the historical examples, the best practices and the future applications of cultural diplomacy in in the South-Eastern European region. The goal of the summit is to prepare an agenda for after the conclusion of each of the event, which will include programs and initiatives that will support cross continental cooperation in the region. More infos: Film for Peace "The Power of Film & the Arts to Build Peace" Held Parallel to the Berlin International Film Festival 2015 (Berlin; February 10th - 13th, 2015) The conference will examine the immense transformative value that film, as well as the arts and music hold as vehicles of Cultural Diplomacy. The vision of the conference is to bring an interdisciplinary mixture of celebrated artists, high level representatives from the film industry and practitioners of Cultural Diplomacy in order to prepare an agenda for after the conclusion of the conference, which will initiate programs and initiatives that will support global peace. More info: Berlin Economic Forum 2015 "Creative Economies, Sustainable Tourism & Foreign Investments" Held Parallel to the Berlin International Tourism Trade Fair (ITB) (International Conference, Berlin; March 4th - 7th, 2015) The Forum will take place over 4 days in Berlin parallel to the Berlin International Tourism Trade Fair (ITB). The Forum aims to analyze global trends in creative economies whilst exploring the potential for sustainable tourism and foreign investment to be used as drivers of sustainable economic growth. The congress will also emphasize the role of cultural diplomacy in the fields of corporate social responsibility, economic bridges, global governance and nation branding with an international outlook. The vision of the conference is to bring an interdisciplinary mixture of representatives from the public sector, private sector and civil society as well as practitioners of Cultural Diplomacy in order to prepare an agenda for after the conclusion of the conference, which will initiate programs and projects that will support sustainable economic growth at the national and international levels. More info: Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
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